Compressed charcoal 151 x 185 cm Yggdrasils ask ilt det heve meir enn menn det veit: hjort bit i topp, treleggen morknar, Nidhogg riv i rot. (Frå Gylvaginning, av Snorre Sturlason, oversetning av Erik Eggen, ca.1220)
Compressed charcoal 90 x 100 cm In all I say dost thou hatred see, yet truth alone do I tell; The sounding gold, the glow-red wealth, and the rings thy bane shall be. (From Fáfnismál, The Poetic Edda, stanzas 9, 13th century)
Compressed charcoal 150 X 165 cm That cat was not as it appeared to thee: It was the Midgard Serpent, which lies about all the land. (From Prose Edda, by Snorre Sturlason, c.1220)
Compressed charcoal 151 x 185 cm Yggdrasils ask ilt det heve meir enn menn det veit: hjort bit i topp, treleggen morknar, Nidhogg riv i rot. (Frå Gylvaginning, av Snorre Sturlason, oversetning av Erik Eggen, ca.1220)
Kennings & Serpents
These are drawings from my project titled
“Kennings and Serpents”.
It focuses on serpents and dragons in Norse mythology and kennings, a type of metaphor often used in skaldic poetry.
The images are made using a version of a process called deconstruct-reconstruct.